Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif, and Punjab’s caretaker Chief Minister, Mohsin Naqvi, were recently seen playing a game of carrom at the Sabzazar Sports Complex.
A short video of their carrom game went viral on social media, showing Shehbaz Sharif and Mohsin Naqvi enjoying the game during their visit to the Sports Complex.
Inside the room, Shehbaz Sharif and Mohsin Naqvi teamed up to display their skills on the carrom board, captivating onlookers with their competitive spirit.
During their visit, they also took the opportunity to explore the various sports facilities in the complex.
In a show of support for other sports, the Prime Minister proceeded to the Squash Court, where they observed intense training sessions by talented squash players.
Additionally, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif actively participated in other sports activities, including badminton and table tennis, engaging in friendly matches with young players.
His display of athletic prowess resonated with aspiring athletes and demonstrated his dedication to promoting a healthy and active lifestyle among the youth.
The event was also attended by former provincial minister Rana Mashood Ahmad Khan, who joined in the sports festivities at the Sports Complex.
Source: Pro Pakistani