Recently, an 11-year-old cricket lover expressed his displeasure in a video, addressing PCB Chairman Ramiz Raja, as he was not allowed to watch PSL match in the National Stadium, Karachi. The young boy’s emotional video caught Ramiz Raja’s attention as he replied to the 11-year-old, explaining the hard circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
A boy named Muhammad Hamza recorded a video outside National Stadium as he reached there to watch the live cricket action but had to face disappointment. The young fan being under 12 years of age was not permitted to enter the stadium due to COVID-19 protocols. Addressing PCB Chairman, the disheartened boy said, “We came to the National Stadium today, but we are not allowed to enter the stadium. We are standing outside.”
Giving a suggestion to Ramiz Raja, the boy said, “I want to say that at least on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, you should allow us.”
“If you allow us [to watch the match], it is fine. Otherwise, what is the point of PSL?”, questioned the disgruntled fan.
Replying to the fan, Ramiz Raja said, “Hamza, I watched your video and I appreciate your emotions. Your love for PSL is evident in the video.”
Explaining the challenging situation, Ramiz Raja said, “Unfortunately, the scenario is different due to COVID-19 and fans under the age of 12 are not allowed to watch the match. Otherwise, in normal conditions, you would have been watching all the matches live in the stadium.”
Answering the young fan’s question, Ramiz Raja said, “You are right. Pakistan Super League is actually perked up due to the presence of children and the reason for organizing this league is also to make the new generation take interest in cricket, to make them come to the ground so that they can watch the players.”
Consoling the little fan, Ramiz Raja added, “I understand your problem and I am also very emotional. I have talked to the concerned departments to find room to let under-12 fans watch the matches. But rules are rules, Hamza. We appreciate your emotions and passion. That’s why I felt the need to talk to you directly.”
Wishing the best for the young fan in the future, Ramiz Raja said, “All the best. I hope that you will be watching these matches on television and when you will move forward in life, along with good studies, you will also become a good cricketer.”
Matches of the seventh edition of the Pakistan Super League are currently being staged in Karachi, with a limited crowd to lower the risk of COVID-19 spread.
Source: Pro Pakistani