PM calls for strengthening trade, economic linkages with African nations

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar emphasized the need to enhance trade and economic linkages with African countries to realize their full potential in these areas.

He expressed this resolve during a meeting with a group of resident envoys representing African and selected Asian countries in Islamabad today.

The meeting was attended by Ambassadors from Algeria and Sudan, as well as High Commissioners from Bangladesh, Brunei, Malaysia, Mauritius, and South Africa. Additionally, Charge d’ Affaires from Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe were present.

The Prime Minister underscored the significance Pakistan places on its relationship with Africa and expressed the country’s desire to strengthen ties at both bilateral and regional levels.

He also acknowledged Pakistan’s historic ties with South East Asian countries, particularly highlighting Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The Prime Minister expressed Pakistan’s eagerness to expand trade relations with these key nat
ions and sought their assistance in strengthening Pakistan’s engagement with ASEAN.

Talking about the ongoing situation in Gaza, the Prime Minister called for a dialogue among nations and emphasized the need to intensify collective efforts to end violence, working towards lasting peace in Palestine.

The Prime Minister commended the diplomatic envoys for their efforts in building stronger ties with Pakistan and their respective countries. In response, the diplomats expressed gratitude, vowing to continue working closely with Pakistan to enhance bilateral relations.

Source: Radio Pakistan