FBR Amends Inland Revenue Reward Rules

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) will contribute to Inland Revenue Common Pool Fund-2023 from the rewards sanctioned to the Inland Revenue officials on achievement of targets, detection of tax evasion, and showing extraordinary performance in making assessments or successful prosecutions in courts.

In this connection, the FBR on Wednesday issued S.R.O. 687(l)12023 to amend the Inland Revenue Reward Rules, 2021. Previously, the draft has been issued vide Notification No. S.R.O. 648(l)12023 dated June 2, 2023.

The FBR has also made eligible officials of the Directorate General Anti-Benami Initiative and Benami Zones to claim IR rewards on cases made under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010, and Benami Transaction (Prohibition) Act, 2017.

According to the new rules, a new rule, i.e., Contribution to Inland Revenue Common Pool Fund 2023 has been issued. An amount equal to 5 percent of the rewards sanctioned under Rule 5 in respect of officers in BS-17 and above and 2.5 percent of the rewards sanctioned under Rule 5 in respect of officials in BS-16 and below shall simultaneously be processed, approved, and deposited in the Inland Revenue Common Pool Fund-2023, the FBR added.

As per final rules, the term “Extraordinary Performance” means a duly notified activity-oriented task assigned to and performed by an officer or a staff or a group of officers or staff up to an exhibited degree of excellence and within the timelines prescribed and pre-notified for the purpose or any performance as is approved by the Chairman FBR including assessment or successful prosecution.

Source: Pro Pakistani