The Prime Minister has constituted a 7-member committee to allow the export of small packets of cigarettes.
Sources told ProPakistani that the Ministry of National Health Services, regulation, and coordination has notified a seven-member committee, which includes representatives of Law and Justice, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industries and Production.
The term of reference of the committee includes reviewing the proposal to amend the prohibition of the sale of cigarettes to minor rules 2010 to allow the export of small packets of cigarettes, in addition, the Committee will also review international best practices and the scope of commitments under FCTC.
The committee will also give recommendations.
The Ministry of MHSRandC will provide secretariat support to the Committee, and the committee shall submit its report/recommendations within 3 days.
Earlier, it was reported that the Ministry of Health is not giving permission to Pakistan Tobacco Company for export of cigarettes in s
mall packets.
Source: Pro Pakistani